Included species

Isaia M., Osella G., Pannunzio G., 2009 - Hygropetric and litter-inhabiting spiders (Araneae) from the Abruzzo Apennines (Central Italy)  Arachnologische Mitteilungen  37 : 15-26

Saaristoa abnormis (Blackwall, 1841) It Info
Walckenaeria acuminata Blackwall, 1833 It Info
Walckenaeria alticeps (Denis, 1952) It Info
Diplocephalus arnoi Isaia, 2005 It Italian Endemic Info
Cozyptila blackwalli (Simon, 1875) It / Sard / Sic Info
Centromerus brevipalpus (Menge, 1866) It Info
Ceratinella brevis (Wider, 1834) It Info
Scotina celans (Blackwall, 1841) It / Sard / Sic Info
Ozyptila claveata (Walckenaer, 1837) It Info
Palliduphantes conradini (Brignoli, 1971) It Italian Endemic Info
Gnathonarium dentatum (Wider, 1834) It / Sard / Sic Info
Erigone dentipalpis (Wider, 1834) It / Sard / Sic Info
Antistea elegans (Blackwall, 1841) It Info
Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) It Info
Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) It / Sard Info
Hahnia helveola Simon, 1875 It Info
Micrargus herbigradus (Blackwall, 1854) It Info
Mecopisthes latinus Millidge, 1978 It Endemic Info
Caracladus leberti (Roewer, 1942) It Endemic Info
Robertus lividus (Blackwall, 1836) It Info
Metellina merianae (Scopoli, 1763) It / Sard / Sic Info
Gongylidiellum murcidum Simon, 1884 It / Sard Info
Bathyphantes nigrinus (Westring, 1851) It Info
Dicymbium nigrum (Blackwall, 1834) It Info
Hahnia ononidum Simon, 1875 It Info
Ceratinella scabrosa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It / Sic Info
Centromerus sellarius (Simon, 1884) It Info
Parachtes siculus (Caporiacco, 1949) It / Sic Italian Endemic Info
Cryphoeca silvicola (C.L. Koch, 1834) It Info
Centromerus sylvaticus (Blackwall, 1841) It Info
Tenuiphantes tenebricola (Wider, 1834) It / Sard Info
Robertus ungulatus Vogelsanger, 1944 It Info
Prinerigone vagans (Audouin, 1826) It / Sard / Sic Info